Make money online using social media sites

02:39 0 Comments

Every day most of us are passing lot of time on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus , Pinterest , StumbleUpon , Instagram and many more . Now a days some people addiction is so much on social media like Facebook so psychologist named a new disease "Facebook addication". Whatever to day i am going to show how can you make money using your social media sites account. It is so easy work like our regular activity on social media platforms.
Every day we do various activities on social media networks as : like , dislike ,share comment , follow , subscribe , photo share , vote & many more. So if you do same with your social media management as you do regular you can make money easily.
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Benefit of these task on social media networks :

1. You can make money online easily ( provide you the proof )
2. You can do social media marketing easily
3. Brand your self or your business on social media easily.

Which type of task about social media:

Facebook :
 ##  Facebook fanpage like . dislike , photo like, subscription , website like, Votes , Url share
Twitter :
## Twitter tweet , twitter follower , Re tweet
YouTube :
## Like , Dislike , Subscription
Google Plus :
##Google plus vote , web site share
Instagram :
##Instagram followers
StumbleUpon :
##StumbleUpon followers
Vimeo :
## Vimeo like
LinkedIn :
##LinkedIn Share
Web Traffic :
Visit web site 

About the site to make money :
Here your earning $$ calculated by points. Beside that here as much you earn points your level will be increase & income also. You can earn points / dollar by referring others ( you will get a referral link ) after sign up. after sign up there you will find earn section about above social media work and you can earn 1-120 points from every section of social media task

How can You get paid by this social media marketing task :

This site will paid you by paypal , payza & okpay. When you rich 1$ on your account balance the you can cash out by Payza & okpay . And if you have Paypal then you can cash out when you rich .70$.  they massage you to get 8 days pay out processing But generally it pay within 24 hours.

See my Proof 

How Can you start : 

After signup & confirm your mail go to likesasap dashboard go Earn Free Points/Money there you will find lot of option for (
Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn, YouTube, Google Plus , Pinterest , StumbleUpon , Instagram ) If you have a account on these social media site you can earn easily 1$-2.5$ spending 1 hour max .



Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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